Arizona family law attorneys often offer free consultations because they encourage you to call, but also because it provides the legal team with the information they need to determine if you are the right type of client for them. For example, if you call a family law attorney regarding your issues with a traffic ticket, you will politely get referred to someone else who can assist you. However, if you call saying that you are married and want a divorce, they will want specific information from you.
This information will be personal and confidential but is needed in order for the lawyer to determine what your options are as well as whether or not you are the right fit for each other. What’s said during the consultation is between you and the lawyer you meet with and remains confidential. At least, the phone call will provide you with a better understanding of your legal options and how to move forward.
Consultation Questions Family Law Attorneys Will Have
Your meeting with the attorney can be in person, via video conference or over the phone. They can last up to 60 minutes and usually focus on going over the details of your situation. Once you have explained your situation the attorney will usually ask questions like:
- What is your current legal standing with your partner? A simple but important question. Are you married? Are you living together? Do you have children together? This question will focus on your relationship with the person.
- What assets do you own? Do you currently have cars, homes, bank accounts or any other assets in your name from the relationship?
- What are you willing to give up? Are you going to go to court over insignificant assets, like sheets and towels? Some people have tried to because of the amount of emotion they are experiencing because of the separation. Do you want out of this quickly? The more you want from the other person, the longer this battle can take.
- Are you trying to determine options or ready to get started? One of the smartest things you can do if you are considering separation from your partner is to call a family law attorney to determine what options are available and best. Many of the calls attorneys receive are from people who just want to know what they can do and what to expect. That’s fine and that’s why any lawyer you call will focus on your options first and not what you should start doing. If you are ready to move forward, they are as well.
- What do you want? If you get the divorce, annulment, orders of protection, custody, money or whatever else it is you want, what would that look like? What do you want to have at the end of this ordeal? You have to think about that down to each item in the house.
- Is there a chance to fix things? A fair and important question to ask is whether or not the relationship can be fixed. It’s very common for people to begin the process of separation but have a change of heart and get back together. If there’s a chance for that to happen, then maybe you need to consider couples therapy before a lawyer.
- Can you safely end things? There are times when people are concerned about ending their relationship because their partner can become violent. Attorneys know these types of situations all too well and can offer you options including orders of protection and keeping the authorities informed.
Separation is never an easy thing and at no time should you expect it to be easy on yourself or your partner. Your goal is to end it as quickly and as simply as you want too. There are going to be disputes and disagreements over who is entitled to what. Let your lawyer help you with that and with determining when to put up a fight and when to let things go.
An Arizona family law attorney can help you in more ways than you will realize. However, that help cannot begin until you pick up the phone. You are not making a commitment or hiring anyone. You are learning what your legal options are and what it would require of you to end your relationship.