How To Get An Annulment In Arizona

How To Get An Annulment In Arizona

Getting an annulment in Arizona is a big decision regarding your separation from your ex. There are some key differences between getting an annulment versus getting a divorce. One of the key differences has to do with your financial status before, during and since the marriage. For example, if you had a lot of money going into the marriage, an annulment may be a better benefit for you.


These types of separations, from a legal standpoint, completely remove any existence of the partnership, giving both sides complete legal and financial freedom. It may not seem like much of a difference unless you are the one paying alimony to your ex. There are other benefits to getting this type of separation, however, it’s important to note that it’s also more difficult.


Annulment Or Divorce?


If you and your partner want to get divorced today you can. Fill out the paperwork and have it processed and you’re done. It’s that simple, especially if you agree to everything in the split. However, if you and your partner want an annulment you are asking for something completely different in the eyes of the law and that means going through a process that takes time.


When you get a divorce, you are telling the state that you are now legally separating from that person. However, the state still recognizes your marriage and that the marriage includes certain responsibilities including financial will remain between both parties, despite the separation. However, with an annulment, the state no longer recognizes your marriage and there are no financial or other types of responsibilities between both sides.


Is Arizona Different?


The majority of the regulations and steps to get an annulment in Arizona are similar to other states. However, you will still need to work with an attorney who is licensed within your state. It’s important to also note, while the steps are similar, you do have to research the reason for the request of this type of representation. For example, if you are requesting it because your former partner committed fraud, you need to be able to prove the fraud to the court.


What Are The Steps?


When meeting with an attorney, they will review your information and tell you whether or not you will be eligible to have your request reviewed. If so, they will help you file a petition with the local court. Once that’s completed the petition will be served to your former spouse, notifying them of your request. Your spouse has about 20-30 days to respond to the petition and they will have the opportunity to plead their case against it if they want.


When Should I Contact A Lawyer?


While getting information online is not only easy, but free, you should still contact an attorney as quickly as possible. Keep in mind, family lawyers usually offer free consultations. This allows you to meet with someone, go over all your information and determine what your best legal options are and how to move forward. Having that clear and direct guidance for free is priceless and the best way to get this process moving in the right direction.


Don’t Overlook These Attorney Tips


Meeting with an attorney does not mean you are hiring them on the spot. The free consultation offers you so many benefits including experienced advice on what to expect and what you should do. Take advantage of this opportunity, especially if you are not sure what your options are and how to get started. Here’s the best advice anyone can give you when you start your research.


  • Hire your attorney quickly: Go through as many free consultations with as many lawyers as you want, but do not get started with this process until you hire an attorney. You want an annulment and if the other person does not wish for the same thing, this will be even more difficult for you. A lawyer will help you prepare for that and know what to expect.
  • Get information to reinforce your story: Maybe it’s not your marriage that you are trying to get annulled. Maybe it’s the marriage of your elderly relative to someone who is just trying to take their money. These things happen and the court battles can be challenging. Gathering the right information for the hearing is key if you want to have a favorable outcome and your lawyer will guide you on what that information can be and how to acquire it.
  • Minimize communication with the ex: You probably are not on good terms with the other person right now and therefore you should stop speaking to them if you can. Do not respond to texts, calls or anything else. Keep your distance and do not discuss legal decisions and matters as well.
  • Plan your own life: So often, people get wrapped up in the separation battle that they forget to spend time focusing on rebuilding their own life. Where are you going to stay? How are you going to support yourself? These things need to be considered before you get going, not to prevent you from getting the separation, but to protect you after.


Attorney’s know the ins and outs of annulments in Arizona, not only getting them, but the reasons why and the impact they can have. Their guidance is worth so much throughout the process and they can navigate the waters with you, helping you get the outcome you want. Contact a legal professional near you to discuss what you can do for this separation.

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