Using Court-Appointed Advisors For Family Law Cases

court appointed lawyer

Family law and custody cases do not always run smoothly. As you can imagine, there are a lot of emotions that come with legal matters like these. In some cases, especially where two sides are far apart, the court will appoint a special advisor to your family law case. The goal of the advisor is […]

How Should You Handle Relocation After A Divorce? 

    Relocation after getting divorced in Arizona is possible but complicated if you have children with your former spouse. The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (“UCCJEA”) dictates most interstate custody issues. In Arizona, custody is called “legal decision -making,” while the actual time a parent spends with his or her child is […]

Pre And Post-Nuptials, What You Need To Know

prenuptial and post nuptial

  Every state has statutory provisions to enforce pre and postnuptial agreements. These agreements take place either before or after you are married to your partner. They are designed to protect the individual party’s assets, clearly stating what belongs to whom in case of a separation or divorce. These agreements can cover everything from your […]

10 Arizona State Laws You Need To Know Before Getting Married

Marriage and divorce are some of the most impactful decisions of our life. These decisions, while very personal, do have major legal implications as well. Each state has its own laws that govern the process of both marriage and divorce, as well as impacts your rights and future. Arizona specifically, has its own set of […]

7 Questions A Family Law Attorney Will Ask You

Arizona family law attorneys often offer free consultations because they encourage you to call, but also because it provides the legal team with the information they need to determine if you are the right type of client for them. For example, if you call a family law attorney regarding your issues with a traffic ticket, […]

Retirement Portfolios And Divorce In Arizona

Getting a divorce includes dividing all marital assets, which are assets earned by either party during the marriage. Retirement accounts, which include pensions, IRAs, 401(k)s and certain qualified retirement plans are subject to division for any portion earned during the marriage. It matters not whose name is on the account. If earned during the marriage, […]

Using Court-Appointed Advisors For Family Law Cases

Using Court-Appointed Advisors For Family Law Cases

When there are minor children in a divorce, cases can quickly go sideways. If either parent has substance abuse or mental health issues, the court may appoint a special advisor to the family law case, called a Court Appointed Advisor or “CAA.” The goal of the advisor is to assist the court in making parenting […]

13 Family Law Myths 

    Misinformation is so common now that it’s attacking our legal system. Every day, “experts” tell you on television, podcasts, social media, blogs or in person what the law is. Ironically, few of these “experts” are actual lawyers, or have experience in the situation they are discussing. We politely call these myths, but the […]

20 Legal Tips For Protecting Yourself Before Marriage

20 Legal Tips For Protecting Yourself Before Marriage

Getting married is supposed to be an exciting and wonderful time in your life. It’s the start of a new life for you and your partner and it deserves to be enjoyed and celebrated. Unfortunately, there are far too many horror stories that have been told about marriages where one partner was not honest and […]

Who keeps the dogs in the divorce?

Who keeps the dogs in the divorce? Pets bring us immeasurable joy, however pet ownership after a divorce can be tricky as animals are considered personal property. Unlike children, there is no “shared custody” of pets unless both parties agree. However, if no agreement can be reached on who keeps the pets, the decision will […]